Friday, January 20, 2017

Unleash Biden on Trump? Ha -- Biden? You're kidding --yeah?

Today, 20-January-2017, Politico news media wrote an article that it's time to "unleash Joe Biden (sic)."  Politico news media asserts Biden is the only person that can go up against President Trump in a verbal fight.  Hmm, I think Politico is high on Maui-waui, and it ain't even 4/20 yet.  Biden doesn't have a chance in beating President Trump in a debate nor the Twitter sphere.  Seriously?  

Yeah, go ahead, unleash Biden -- the guy looks like a ree-tard who just got a whiff of his own fart for the first time and is wondering about the food he ate that caused the smell.  

Politico -- you're laughable.

The 45th President Of The United States: Donald J. Trump

Today, 20-January-2017, @ 1200 Hours PST, America is officially on-track towards becoming great, prosperous, and safe again with the swearing-in of Donald John Trump, officially, the 45th President Of the United States.  Tonight and throughout this weekend, I will be attending dinner parties celebrating President Donald J. Trump.  I'm truly happy, and I look forward to the next four years of working with him towards making America great, prosperous, and safe again.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

President Barack Obama Felt He Could Win A Third Term

Several weeks ago today, 18-January-2017, President Barack Obama stated he would win a third term as president of the United States.  I don't agree.

Attorney General: Loretta Lynch: Laughable!

Loretta Lynch makes a bold public statement by denouncing a Chicago police officer about a week or so ago from today, 18-January-2017.  On a separate meeting, she mentioned her interest in keeping America safe.  She is laughable and a hypocrite.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Golden Globe Awards 2017: Meryl Streep

Meryl Streep is wonderful and talented actress; and, I enjoy watching her act in most of her films.  She does amazing work; and, I believe all the awards she won are all deserved.  I didn't watch the Golden Globes -- I don't watch awards' events period; but, I did read and see her clip regarding her monologue about President-elect Donald J. Trump.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Chicago's Super Predators

Chicago's super-predators that tortured a mentally retarded white male -- racially motivated hate crime. 
Super-predators from left to right: Jordan Hill, Tesfaye Cooper, Brittany Covington, and Tanisha Covington.

Notwithstanding Princeton's John Dilulio's definition of Super Predator (hereinafter, super-predator), I use this term to all races, all socio-economic classes, all educational levels, and all family backgrounds that commit heinous and evil activities against innocent people -- especially, crimes against children, senior citizens, and handicapped people (mental and physical).  I believe any person can be a super-predator -- for example, Bernie Madoff and Alan Stanford -- kings of super-predators.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Deplorable Hillary Clinton Lacks Reason, Prudence, & Accountability

I hope I don't ever look like this.

So, Hillary Clinton and her campaign is blaming the Russians, the FBI, you, me, and so on.  What she fails to remember that she was the one the started her mess.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Celebrities Are Just People

I enjoy viewing sports celebrities, film & television celebrities, and music celebrities; and, I always feel that when a person becomes a celebrity, they have a unwritten law about being examples to the public -- they need to know their job as celebrity is just a job; and, they need to become real people outside of their encapsulated world.