Sunday, January 8, 2017

Chicago's Super Predators

Chicago's super-predators that tortured a mentally retarded white male -- racially motivated hate crime. 
Super-predators from left to right: Jordan Hill, Tesfaye Cooper, Brittany Covington, and Tanisha Covington.

Notwithstanding Princeton's John Dilulio's definition of Super Predator (hereinafter, super-predator), I use this term to all races, all socio-economic classes, all educational levels, and all family backgrounds that commit heinous and evil activities against innocent people -- especially, crimes against children, senior citizens, and handicapped people (mental and physical).  I believe any person can be a super-predator -- for example, Bernie Madoff and Alan Stanford -- kings of super-predators.

I don't care if these super-predators came from broken families, were abused as kids, were neglected as kids, and wrongfully influenced by the media or public -- I don't care -- to me, they are criminals that are deplorable and despicable.  I don't believe their backgrounds, education levels, economic class, and so on should be used as mitigating circumstances as a defense for their criminal activities against that white retarded man.  These people are just as evil as super-predator himself, Bernie Madoff.  I will get to Bernie Madoff in another BLOG.

When crimes committed by these super-predators are so blatant and the preponderance of the evidence weighs so vastly against them, I don't believe we, as a society, should waste money to send them to a trial.  I believe their case should go directly to the judge for conviction and sentencing.  These super-predators don't deserve a trial when the evidence is so overwhelmingly against them.

These four super predators are the reasons I carry a gun.

My goal is self-protection -- my goal is not to sympathize nor empathize with my assailant's background -- my goal is to protect myself.  We all have a past that could be used as mitigating circumstances; but, a time comes when we, as adults, have to let the past go and make ourselves better, so we don't repeat our negative past and take it out on innocent people.

Radical hate groups like black lives matter are examples of people assembling and promoting violence against society.  We must protect ourselves against these people, terrorists, other hate groups, protestors, and so on.

All lives matter -- and, we must not be fearful victims but self-protecting citizens against those that pose a threat to our safety and rights as American citizens.

So, if your goal is to understand and try to rehabilitate these super-predators, then self-protection is not the path for you; but, if your goal self-protection, then purchase a gun and learn the way to operate it.

Violence is rising; and, LEOs just don't have the bandwidth to protect all of us within a reasonable amount of time; so, self-protection is our responsibility.

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