Thursday, January 5, 2017

Celebrities Are Just People

I enjoy viewing sports celebrities, film & television celebrities, and music celebrities; and, I always feel that when a person becomes a celebrity, they have a unwritten law about being examples to the public -- they need to know their job as celebrity is just a job; and, they need to become real people outside of their encapsulated world.

It is disgusting, deplorable, and despicable to see celebrities behave in the manner they have been behaving regarding President-elect Donald J. Trump.  Protesting and voicing their opinions is their right; but, celebrities trying to use their celebrity status to incite the public, real people, to carry out the the celebrity's malfeasant behaviors, like a violent riot during Donald J. Trump's inauguration, is unacceptable and against the law. If the the celebrities want to create a violent riot, then they should participate in it with the public -- put some skin in the game instead of getting people to do their dirty illegal work.

The positive note to all these recent celebrity activities is the majority of Americans didn't listen to those celebrities; and, they majority of Americans rendered those celebrities powerless -- thank goodness.

Think about it...all the celebrities that supported Hillary Clinton didn't have the influence to get her into office.  She got over a billion dollars from celebrities and other influence affluent people; and, she still could not get into office -- that's a major blow to her ego, her campaign platform, her campaign team, her supporters, her voters, and a solid punch from the real people in America to Hillary Clinton and her celebrities: "we don't care about your money and your movie star status -- we ain't buying it -- fuck you -- we're voting for Trump!"  It's great to see the majority of real people in America exercising reason and prudence by voting for Donald J. Trump.  I did consider voting for Hillary Clinton, and you can read about that in my earlier BLOG.

Celebrities fail to realize people, real hard-working people, voted for Donald Trump; because, they feel he can make things better for them; so, they can put food on the table, provide for their kids, and keep the roof over them.  For these people, their vote could have a direct impact on their lives.  For the celebrity, it makes no financial impact to them -- to them, the person sitting in the Oval Office is a matter of personal preference -- it's trivial to them...for them the president is just a brand-name preference -- do they want Clinton or Trump is like do they want to wear Armani or Gucci?

Celebrities have the financial means to protect their assets; so, in many ways, the person in the oval office is not going to impact their multi-million dollar empire, their health-care plans, nor the schools they enroll their children; but, to the coal miner in Virginia, the tax plan from the presidential candidate will impact their taxes, health-care plans, schools, and their jobs.

In Eric Bogosian's, Talk Radio, there's a line that goes like this:

Like trains in and out of the train station, talent comes and goes.  You miss one; here's another one coming.  They'll always be another train; and, trains wear out; they get derailed; they crash.  Sooner or later, they are out of commission. On thing's for sure; the faster they go, the harder they crash.

Barry is my train. I put him on the track. I keep him on the track.  I keep him oiled and on the track.  I let him go as fast as he can.  The faster the better.

Here's my favorite part of this monologue:

This is a great job.  I enjoy myself every day.  It's just about perfect.  you get into trouble when you forget it's a job.  You get into trouble when you start thinking you're doing something more.  It'll fuck you up every time; but, that's Barry's problem -- not mine.

Celebrities get into trouble when they forget they are doing a job; and, their job, as glamorous and cool as it must be, is still, just a job.  They get into trouble when they think they are relevant outside of their job, and they think the people in their encapsulated-world also exist outside of their encapsulated-world.  The general public, fans or not, begin to see their flaws and are not always yes-men catering to the celebrity's needs or laying down the red carpet along their path.

Celebrities behaving the way they do in their encapsulated-world in the real world, the general public, don't fly with the general public -- they see them as stupid, spoiled, arrogant punks that many people want to punch in the face.

It's good to see general public has reason and prudence to know that these celebrities, outside their encapsulated-world, are no different than the people you see yelling at a street-corner -- the only difference between the guy yelling at a street-corner and those types of celebrities is they have a nicer platform and soap-box from which to rant and rave.

In the end, the strength of real American people put Donald J. Trump in the White House -- that's the real power.

Stay reasonable and prudent.

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