Friday, January 6, 2017

Deplorable Hillary Clinton Lacks Reason, Prudence, & Accountability

I hope I don't ever look like this.

So, Hillary Clinton and her campaign is blaming the Russians, the FBI, you, me, and so on.  What she fails to remember that she was the one the started her mess.

Who breached email protocol?  Hillary did.  That breach went public; and, it doesn't matter who exposed her breach.  The fact of the matter is that she should have be charged, her breach should have been made public, and she should have been put on trial for her behaviors of abrogating email policy as mandated to a public official of her position, serving America and its citizens.  As far as I'm concerned, the FBI should have charged her; but, since she is an elite government-official, the FBI just stated she was careless in managing her emails.

Of course, I know the FBI's intention was just to expose the Hillary's email issue; and, they knew the exposure would be just as bad as formally charging her. 

In my many years working as an executive in Corporate America, I saw employees get fired because they abrogated, either knowingly or unknowingly, corporate policies.  They either submitted a bogus expense report for a meal they never ate, was insubordinate, lied on their résumé, got caught watching porn during office hours, misused their corporate credit card, misused their corporate mobile phones, misused their corporate computers, misused their corporate vehicle, sexually harassed another worker, misused the transmission and receipt of confidential corporate-related emails on unauthorized devices, and so on. Some of them did not know that they breached corporate policies by the actions; and, each of these employees, to the best of my knowledge, needed their jobs. All of them got fired even though they apologized for their actions and admitted they made a mistake.

One executive, during my time at PG&E, got criminal charges against him for misappropriating $100,000 out of his division's budget.  He was convicted and served five years in jail.

Get my drift?

In the feature film, As Good As It Gets, a receptionist asks Jack Nicholson's character, "how do you write women so well?" Jack Nicholson't character replies,  "I think of a man, and I remove reason and accountability."  If you remove reason and accountability, you have deplorable Hillary Clinton.

I have no problems voting for a woman presidential candidate -- just not deplorable Hillary Clinton.

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